You Can Make a Difference
Make A True Change
Caladenia is funded by Local, State and Commonwealth Governments - and we acknowledge their contribution.
As a Not for Profit and Registered Charity we also rely on donations to continue to provide programs and services above and beyond those we are funded for.
We go the extra mile for you.
Through Give Now

Through PayPal

Help Us Soar
Bequests can be the magic ingredient that determines the financial success of any charitable organisation.
If you would like to chat to us about planning your Will or leaving a Bequest to Caladenia no matter how large or small please contact our office initially and speak with our CEO Sarah Yeates. Sarah can discuss your situation.

Show Your Support
Volunteers help us out in so many ways, and add value and diversity to the programs and opportunities we offer.
At present - during our recovery from Covid-19, our volunteers are assisting us to stay connected via zoom, vis facebook, and by phone.
We have some Volunteers back assisting us in our programs, and will be looking to open come community based programs very soon.
Opportunities for volunteering include accompanying the bus driver, attending social programs as a volunteer, attending outings and functions as a volunteer and assisting on committees or the Board.
If you are interested or would like to know more - please download the info booklet here or click
Get in Touch below

Contact us today and start getting involved.